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Seasonal Marketing Success

Updated: May 7, 2021

Flowers may just be waking up, but we're in Summer mode here at SYBS HQ!

We are so close to putting away the snow boots, so close! Our home-base is in the Rocky Mountains, so Say Yes knows snow could always be just around the corner. But as we prep for the warmer months, it also has us ready to launch spring campaigns and seasonal marketing– does your business need this?

Seasonality is the regular shifts we witness based upon annual holidays, weather changes and themes. You don’t have to be in landscaping or Christmas merch to benefit, either. Even non- seasonal businesses can benefit from these fluxes as your target customer’s buying trends and behaviors will have predictable patterns every 365.

So which seasons or holidays make sense for your brand? How can we execute a well positioned campaign? First, we must identify which upcoming targets align with your business. There are time-based and season-based objectives. Then, we plan forward by building relevant content and targeting these opportunities. From social giveaways to infographics, our customized touchpoints give your brand the chance to cultivate meaningful moments with your customers.

Next, remember to plan your season, in the off-season. Waiting until the day before Mother’s Day is not being proactive. Create your content calendar in advance (we know Mother’s Day is always the second Sunday of May!) and be sure to include your core messaging. No one wants to be reminded daily about a holiday that is weeks away – unless it’s Christmas, Santa can’t come soon enough.

Lastly, let’s rinse and repeat, but slightly tweak. This is a great seasonality rule to work by! Once you have identified the best target times of year for your business, and have created successful campaigns, save these ideas for the following year to implement with a quick refresh. Creative collateral, virtual events, blogs and giveaways can all equate to tradition.

Ready to discuss seasonal marketing? Let’s chat about implementing this into your mix, contact Say Yes!

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